Unreal Artists X Melanie Lichtenschopf

Our October creative is Melanie from lichten.art. Melanie lives in Vienna with her boyfriend and their Corgi, Bean.
During the lockdown, she rediscovered the joy she used to feel about painting, and something very beautiful developed from it.
She loves color, she loves to create, and is passionate about fashion and interior design. Painting, she says, “completes the whole”.

What are your main sources of inspiration? Tell us 3 top references for your work.
I get my inspiration from everywhere. Sometimes on walks in nature or in everyday life when I see certain colors and shapes. Inspiration is everywhere, you just have to be open to it.
Do you have a routine or ritual to enable creativity? Share with us.
I don't have a specific ritual but I like to create a nice mood before I paint. I make good music, prepare everything carefully and sometimes I dance to the music. Then there are lots of ideas :)
Do you use your fashion style as a way to express your personality/creativity? And has fashion ever been a source of inspiration for you and if yes can you give us a concrete example?
Oh yeah! For me, fashion is one of the greatest inspirations and a wonderful way to express yourself. when I dress nicely, I'm in a better mood. It's great to play with colors, mix fabrics and keep reinventing yourself.
Sometimes the fashion I see on Instagram, Pinterest or the street is a great inspiration for myself and my pictures.
Do you use your art to convey any social or political issues? If yes what are the current movements you relate the most?
My pictures should express diversity and femininity. The diversity of women is an important issue for me. Women of all sizes and colors are wonderful, strong, and should be heard.
Do you identify with Unreal Fields? How?
Yes, I do because the designs and colors suit me perfectly. For me they represent a lifestyle of femininity and creativity.