This is Shi’s world, you’re just living in it. Ever the rebel as she goes through life, Shi tiptoes the line between reckless and bold, inspiring onlookers to do the same. Who is Shi? Motivated by a profound desire to rewrite her story when she grows tired of the plot, Shi is the creator of her own universe: one that’s filled with possibility, self-expression, and dynamism. Never one to shy away from her role as the protagonist - no matter the situation that might arise - Shi prefers to live her life feet first, mind second. A constant reminder that, although doubt is a choice, boldness is a must Will you dare to walk a mile in her shoes?

Changing with the seasons and evolving with time, Unreal Fields SS20 highlights the shift from winter to spring. A time where nature is reborn - like a bud creeping open after a long sleep - it’s also a moment for us to shed both metaphorical and physical layers and step into the light. Playing with the colors and textures of fall and winter - gold, brown, and other warm tones - and contrasting these with the brighter and bolder colors that arrive with spring - red, purple, white - there’s a clear shift: an expectancy of what’s soon to come.
A brand created by women, led by women, and worn (in its majority) by women, Unreal Fields FW20 is a celebration of sisterhood. Adding a little power to their step, the team came together to model past and present Unreal Fields collections as a way to inspire, empower, and celebrate themselves and each other. From standing behind the lens to being in front of it - a large step out of each one’s specific comfort zone - the ladies of Unreal Fields came together at a time where “coming together” seemed almost impossible to find joy in the little things: wearing great shoes surrounded by women eager to lift each other up.
Inspired by the ghost towns and cities of COVID-19, the creative team behind Unreal Fields FW20 took matters into their own hands after strict restrictions left them without models. Resorting to the use of everyday objects, the Invisible Girl was born: a ghostly figure that seems to present everywhere you look and has left behind unique traces of herself to prove it. A symbolic gesture of what was happening at the time - vacant streets, empty stores, no physical touch, and no real human contact - our Invisible-Girl-turned-model became a nostalgic representation of life during coronavirus, and a foreshadowing of the days to come.
Unreal fields SS20 takes us back to the ’80s when we were kids. A time of no screens, no responsibilities, and endless summers, just a group of dreamers passing time as creatively as possible. A Criançada brings back a brief moment of escapism with a playful feel to it. Contrast colors and materials reminiscent
of play. Inspired by a childhood where imagination was king and simple objects were the protagonists of our existence. Dare to escape with Unreal Fields SS20.
To kick off the madness of Black Friday, Unreal Fields FW19 was all about going, well, mad. With a decadent banquet to mark the occasion, our model indulged in the many treats and tricks we had for her. Humorous, dark, and a little unsettling at times, it was a celebration of the Unreal Fields spirit and desire to keep heads turning back for a second and third look.
“Donatello chez les Fauves” - (“Donatello among the wild beasts”), was the phrase used by L. Vauxcelles to describe the famous exhibition that initiated Fauvism at the Salon d’Automne in 1905. A room of contrasts, shared between a Renaissance-style sculpture and an orgy of boldly colored canvases from Matisse, Derain and Henri Rousseau.
This inspired the scenery set to embrace the duality between classic femininity and the feline-like strength that we all have. For FW19, classic sculptures contrast with a fierce modern attitude and contemporary shoes become still nature paintings.